Interview with Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (National Police Association)

I had the absolute pleasure of being interviewed by retired sergeant, Betsy Brantner Smith, for the podcast she does for the National Police Association.

Some of you might be familiar with Betsy, as she has appeared on a number of news shows, including Newsmax, and Fox.

Despite some minor technical glitches (rural internet being what it is), we managed to have a great time. Betsy is an awesome interviewer and we touched on a number of topics, including my career with the NYPD, my transition to author, and the state of policing.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Click on the photo below or the link provided at the botom.

New Book: James Maguire Origin Story

Those of you who familiar with the James Maguire series will know that before he joined the NYPD he was a US Navy SEAL. I have had an idea sitting on the backburner for a few years and decided that I would pursue it and have enjoyed writing this new story.

This story centers around Maguire’s time in the SEAL teams and has him being sent to Mexico on a clandestine operation. I don’t want to give too many details away, so I’ll just attach an image and let your imagination run with it.

The book is about 80% complete and I hope to have it available shortly. I’ll update you on the progress as it gets closer to publication.

Once again, that you for your continued support.

If you are interested in learning more about my books, please check out my Amazon Page

RIP Scampi (2009-2023)

The hardest thing to have to accept is that nothing is forever; this is especially heartbreaking for those of us with animals. Today we had to accept that reality, as we had to make the toughest decision any pet parent has to make. This morning we had to let go of our beloved Scampi.

Scampi, which got shortened to Scamp (because he was just that, a scamp cat) was almost fourteen and had been diagnosed with diabetes almost a year ago. We did everything we could to improve his life, but in the end we were only prolonging it. It’s painful to write this, and I am fighting back tears as I do, but in reality I should be celebrating his life, because he had the most amazing one.

We got Scamp as a kitten, when our son and daughter found him in a drainage ditch and brought him home. Little did we know how that adorable little white kitten would grow into one of the most badass cats you’ve ever known. Scamp had zero f’s to give about anything. As we liked to say, it was Scamp’s world, we just lived in it. In the beginning my wife thought he might be deaf, but the truth was he was just a bit of an asshole. When we moved out into the country he was truly in his element. One day he went missing, so we started calling around to see if anyone had seen him. It was truly humorous to hear all the names the neighbors knew him by, because he’d just hang out at their place from time to time and they just got used to him. One had a cage with rabbits in it and Scamp would just go and lay on top of it just to mess with them.

I lost track of all the birds and squirrels he brought down, but one of the most memorable ones was the day my wife was late bringing their food trays out. Scamp was not happy and took off. A short time later he reappeared, coming up the walkway, huffing and puffing, and dragging a wild rabbit that he had caught. It was almost as if he was saying, ‘You took too long; I got my own damn food.’ They say cats have nine lives, Scamp had about nineteen.

Scamp had no fear of anyone or any animal. Over the years we would introduce new dogs or cats and Scamp just kept being Scamp. All of us were here for his amusement and to give him love. He was an outdoor cat, but during the winters he would come inside and spend most of the day lying around. If it were just the dogs, he would lay with them, if one of the other cats was in, he would lay with them. Actually, he would lay on them. He had a propensity to use other cats (our now oldest, Gizmo, in particular) as a pillow, smacking them if they dared move. Even after his diagnosis, when we brought him inside, his demeanor never changed. He loved on our dog, Baxter, and could often be found lying with him. He even commandeered his bed as his own.

When we lost Jax and Indie, it was sudden and there was no real time to prepare ourselves for their death. I guess, in some way, that it is best. We’ve had almost a year knowing there was no ‘fix’ for Scamp, but we gave him the best life we could.

Hug your pets a little tighter today; give them an extra treat, because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Remember, they are in your life for a brief moment, but you are in their lives until the end.

Scamp has passed over the Rainbow Bridge; it’s time for my little warrior to be reunited with Jax and Indie and enjoy a life without sickness.

Rest easy Scamp and know that you were truly one-of-a-kind. We love you and miss you.


Perfect Pawn $.99 Kindle Countdown Sale (June 10th-13th)

Well, with gas prices soaring and people needing an alternative summer fun outlet, I decided to put PERFECT PAWN on a $.99 Kindle Countdown sale. Now you can get the debut novel in the James Maguire series for 80% off between June 10th (Friday) and June 13th (Monday).

This offer is open to anyone, so please feel free to share the information. Of course, if you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read the entire series for free.

The Killing Game (Print Update)

Just wanted to update everyone on the latest information regarding the print version of The Killing Game. The interior formatting and book cover have been completed and submitted to Amazon. Once their review process has been finished I will obtain the print copies for final approval. Barring any unforeseen issues, I expect that the print version should be available within the next two weeks.